Σάββατο 14 Ιουλίου 2018

Βιογραφία του Mersenne και σπουδές

Mersenne biography: Marin Mersenne was born into a working class family in the small town of Oizé in the province of Maine on 8 September 1588 and was baptised on the same day. From an early age he showed signs of devotion and eagerness to study. So, despite their financial situation, Marin's parents sent him to the Collège du Mans where he took grammar classes. Later, at the age of sixteen, Mersenne asked to go to the newly established Jesuit School in La Flèche which had been set up as a model school for the benefit of all children regardless of their parents' financial situation. It turns out that Descartes, who was eight years younger than Mersenne, was enrolled at the same school although they are not thought to have become friends until much later.